"Plas met bootje en korenschoven"

Dit schilderij (50 x 40) is omstreeks 1935 gekocht in Utrecht. Een manspersoon (Th Braskamp?) vervoegde zich jaarlijks ten huize van de vader van de huidige eigenaar die dan één of enkele schilderijen kocht.
De zoon van de eigenaar kwam in 2000 bij mij terecht via mijn werk-mailadres: op goed geluk een mailtje naar Brascamp over Braskampschilderijen.

"My father was born in Utrecht in 1930. He lived there until he emigrated to Canada in 1951. He remembers that as a little boy Th. Braskamp came with a car from what he believes was Amsterdam, to their home and remembers Th. Braskamp carrying framed oil paintings into the front and livingrooms of the house where they would be set out for viewing. My grandfather would sometimes buy one or two paintings. This happened once a year although he can't be sure as he was only 4 or 5 years old. He does not remember details of the vehicle or what Th. looked like but guesses that he may have been approximately 40 years of age. These memories of these events were then from the mid -1930s."
Op de site zijn de vijf schilderijen te zien en een pentekening.