Important sources of the genealogy

Johan Berentss. Berent Brascamp van Geesteren s.
Johan Brascamp married in 1617 with Geertruijt Hermans. The book of marriages of Zutphen, 1617, reads:
Acciperunt 3 maij testimonium proclamationum ut copularentur in Voorst Johan Berentss. Berent Brascamp van Geesteren s. Geertruijt Hermans, Herman Gerritss. to Boecholt d.
Or: On 3 May accepted a testimonium and announcement to marry at Voorst: Johan, son of Berent Brascamp from Geesteren Geertuijt, daughter of Herman Gerritss. from Boecholt (Bocholt, Germany, close to the Dutch border). This is the oldest finding of a Brascamp and Berent is the oldest Brascamp, born about 1560. He is one generation further removed than generation 1 in the family tree.

City archive Zutphen

Engelbert Brascamp
Engelbert Brascamp was mentioned in the book of baptisms of Borculo when his grandson, also called Engelbert, was baptised. It reads:
Eadem Dm heft Wolter Brascamp een Ventjen doopen ende Engelbert nae sijn s Vader noemen laten. Ipsemet obtulit
Which means: This same Sunday Wolter Brascamp had baptised a boy and had him named Engelbert after his late father. He carried him himself. This same Sunday was Dominica Sexagesima, the eighth Sunday before Easter. This was 17 February 1661; Borculo was still using the Julian calendar at that time.

State archive for the province of Gelderland, Arnhem

Goossen Brascamp
Goossen Brascamp is assumed to be the first child of third generation Engelbert Brascamp. Engelbert had 7 children, six of them baptised in Twello. Goossen's baptism was not found in the book of baptisms of Twello. The proof that Goossen is a son of Engelbert follows from an arrest in Wijhe related to the weighing of oak for which Goossen used illegal instruments. The arrest from 1707 is a very long story and the verdict is not known. The full text looks quite promising for Goossen, however. A small piece of the text reads:
Waar op ter instantie van Gosen Brascamp, soon van Custos Engelbert Brascamp in Twello na voor gaande arrest en Gerigtelijke citatie onder Eede verhoort en geexamineert mogen worden Gerrit Van der Vegt en Steven Kruin
Which means: Where on behalf of Gosen Brascamp, son of sexton Engelbert Brascamp in Twello, after the earlier arrest and judicial citation can be heard and examined under oath Gerrit Van der Vegt and Steven Kruin. The latter were the two gentlemen who sold and bought the oak which was weighted by Goossen Brascamp. They testified to be very happy with Goossen's work.

State archive for the province of Overijssel, Zwolle

Willem Reverdinck of Braskamp
                                                                   13 febr. 1663

  Dr. Munster Advocaat fiscael voor heerlijkheit
  Borculo beschuldigt Willem Brascamp, dat
  hij op den 25 octob. 1662 aen sijn wijf eene halve komme
  bier gevende, Geert Floors met een kopp in 't
  gesichte geslaeg, dat hem neuss en beck bloeden,
  waeraen hij also heeft gebreuckt, so wordt ge-
  contendiert tot affdracht ..

  Willem Brascamp bekent Geert Floors ge-
  slaegen te hebben en versoecke des heren gemoeth.
  Fiscus beschuldigt desgelijke Willem Bras-
  camp dat hij omtrent 14 daeg nae sijnen zal.
  vrouwe overlieden dese frau sijn wegenwoordig
  huysvrouwe binnenshuyss met hem wonende
  wederom hebben beswangert, gelijk sulx nae
  alle apparentie is gebleken, het welke dan den
  saecke van grote consequentie sijde so con-
  tendeert comparant desswege tot afdracht.

  Willem Brascamp in dim. het factu mochte
  beweesen worden, versocht des heren gemoeth.
Bovenstaande gaat over
Willem Reverdinck -genoemd Willem Braskamp. Hij was waarschijnlijk in eerste instantie knecht bij Willem Braskamp en Hendricksken Bennekers, op de boerderij de Braskamp. Na het overlijden van Willem trouwde hij op 5-12-1660 met de weduwe Braskamp. Ze bleven waarschijnlijk op de boerderij wonen. Toen Hendricksken vervolgens ongeveer anderhalf jaar later overleed, trouwde Willem met Aelbert Braskamp, schoonzuster van wijlen Hendricksken en zuster van wijlen Willem Braskamp.
Het huwelijk vond plaats 19-10-1662 en hun eerste kind, Henrick, werd geboren 11-1-1663. Kennelijk moest het duo trouwen. Uit bovenstaande tekst lijkt te volgen dat Aelbert al bij Willem inwoonde en misschien was zij werkzaam bij het echtpaar Reverdinck-Bennekers, in haar ouderlijk huis.
Willem gaf op 25-10-1662 Geert Floors de klap in zijn gezicht. Dit was krap een week na het huwelijk en met een beetje fantasie mag je aannemen dat Geert een beledigende opmerking maakte over het gedwongen huwelijk met Aelbert. Aelbert zat aan een tafel in de kroeg en Willem kwam met twee kommen bier aanlopen. Geert zei wat en Willem gaf in één beweging een kom bier aan zijn vrouw en sloeg met de ander Geert in zijn gezicht. Je ziet het voor je.

bron: Oud Rechtelijk Archief Borculo. Met dank aan Gerhard Geerken, Eindhoven.

The text above refers to Willem Reverdinck -called Willem Braskamp. He probably was initially working as a farmers aid with Willem Braskamp and Hendricksken Bennekers, at the farm "Braskamp". After Willem's death he married on 5 December 1660 the widdow Braskamp. They probably stayed at the same farm. When Hendricksken died after about one and a half years Willem married Aelbert Braskamp, who was a sister in law of late Hendricksken and a sister of the late Willem Braskamp.
This marriage took place 19 October 1662 and their first child, called Henrick, was born 11 January 1663. Apparently it was shotgun wedding. From the text it seems to follow that Aelbert already lived with Willem under one roof and perhaps she worked with the couple Reverdinck-Bennekers on the parental farm.
The text tells about the fact that on 25 October 1662 Willem hit a person called Geert Floors in his face with a cup of beer. This incident took place less than a week after the marriage and with a tiny bit of imagination one may assume that Geert made an insulting remark about the forced marriage with Aelbert. Aelbert was sitting at a table in a pub and Willem came from the bar with two half pints of beer. Geert made his remark and in one move Willem offered one pint to his wife and with the other he hit Geert in his face. Just imagine.

Source: Oud Rechtelijk Archief Borculo. Thanks to Gerhard Geerken, Eindhoven.

Georg Ferdinand Braskamp
Georg Ferdinand Braskamp is the founder of the German Braskamp branch and was born in Lenzen on the river Elbe, Germany, 14 December 1812.
At the occasion of his registration as a conscript at Lünenburg Georg Ferdinand lived in Hannover and it is stated that his mother was called Anna Katharina Schilling. His father was "Brascamp französicher Offizier", a french officer called Brascamp. This information was found on a microfilm of the archives of the Church of Jesus Chist of Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City. It relates to young men registered for military service in Lüneburg. The text reads:
Brascamp, Georg Ferdinand (:Schneidersgesell:) (:unehelich); December 14; Lenzen auf der ...; Hannover; Brascamp französcher Offizier; Anna Katharina Schilling aus Lüneburg
Which means: Name: Brascamp, Georg Ferdinand (:tailor's fellow:) (:not married); Date of birth (in 1812) December 14; Place of birth: Lenzen auf der ...; Residence: Hannover; Name of the father: Brascamp, French officer; Name of the mother: Anna Katharina Schilling from Lüneburg.

Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City

The picture below is from a microfilm at Salt Lake City, relating to the registration on 20 October 1840 of Georg Ferdinand Braskamp from Lenzen as a citizen in Lüneburg: Georg Ferdinand Braskamp aus Lenzen, für die Bürgerschaft als Schneider Amte Meister, von die Defensions=Casse

Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City

Joséphine Braskamp
Joséphine Braskamp is the founder of the French Braskamps and Brascamps. Her son, Louis, was born in Brussels, 9 June 1812.

Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City

Bruxelles Acte de naissance no 1421
Du Neuvième jour du mois de Juin l'an dix-huit cent Douze à Deux heurs
Acte de Naissance de Louis Braskamp
né le neuf de ce Mois à cinq heures du matin, fils de Joséphine Braskamp,
tricotteuse, accouchée rue du Prévôt 2de section no 598, native D'Amsterdam
/Zuiderzee/ et y domiciliée.
Le sexe de l'enfant a été reconnu être Masculin
Témoins Joseph Stevens, perruquier, agé de vingt huit ans, rue de Bavière et Marc
Dubois, Cordonnier, agé de soixante ans, rue des tanneurs.
Sur la réquisition à nous faite par Barbe Jeanne Godefroij, Rentière, agée de trente quatre ans, demeurant
2de Section No 598, qui a assisté à l'accouchement et ont signé le second témoin ne sait écrire.
Constaté, suivant le Loi, par moi Louis DeVos, Officier de l'État-Civil, soussigné, et duquel acte il a été donné lecture.
Brussels Act of birth no 1421
The ninth day of the month June of 1812 at two o'clock
Act of birth of Louis Braskamp
born the ninth of this month at five o'clock in the morning, son of Joséphine Braskamp,
nitster, given birth at Rue de Prévôt 2nd section no 598, born in Amsterdam/
Zuiderzee/ and living here.
The gender of the child was established to be male
Witnesses Joseph Stevens, wigmaker, 58 years old, Rue de Bavière and Marc
Dubois, shoemaker, 60 years old, Rue des Tanneurs.
As requested was done to us by Barbe Jeanne Godefroij, Rentière, 34 years old, living
2de Section No 598, who assisted with the birth and has signed because the second witness cannot write.
Observed, following the law, by me Louis DeVos, officer of the registry office, undersigned, and which act has been read.